Welcome to the Math Blog!!!

Below you will find information on each new skill that we are working on. It will be updated each week to include: what we are working on, steps to find the information, and some way to practice the skill. Your child also has a study guide he or she can use to help him or her practice these skills.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Comparing Decimals

Your child has a study guide to use to help them study for comparing decimals; however, if they have left it at school, then use the below steps to compare decimals.

Step 1: Line up decimals (If it is a whole number without a decimal, then put the decimal at the end of the number behind the ones place).
Example: 15 and .15

Step 2: Look at your numbers from left to right because the left side is the greater value and the values decrease as you go toward the right.
Example: For 15 and .15 we start with the tens place and move toward the hundredths place. The 1 and 0 at the front are in the tens place and the 0 and 5 at the end are in the hundredths place.

Step 3: Find the first place where the numbers differ and circle those 2 digits.
Example: I would circle the 1 and 0 in the tens place because they are different and they are the first numbers are different from the left to the right.

Answer: 15 > .15

< means less than, > means greater than, and = means equal to

Go to my website for practice: sites.google.com/site/mrshallumsonlineclassroom

Have a great night!

S. Hallum

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