Welcome to the Math Blog!!!

Below you will find information on each new skill that we are working on. It will be updated each week to include: what we are working on, steps to find the information, and some way to practice the skill. Your child also has a study guide he or she can use to help him or her practice these skills.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Modeling Decimal Division

We are working on dividing decimals and specifically, modeling decimal division. Your child has a study guide that he or she can use to help them with this skill. Below are some practice problems:

.54 divided by .09
.36 divided by .04
6.3 divided by 7
.09 divided by 3
.12 divided by 4

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Decimal Multiplication

We are working on decimal multiplication and will be assessing out of it on Tuesday, October 19. Your child will be modeling decimal multiplication and answering problems that go all the way up to 3 numbers on the bottom. Along with multiplying correctly, your child will also learn where to place a decimal. In the next couple of days I will post a powerpoint and a video on decimal multiplication; but until then, your child has a study guide to use.