Welcome to the Math Blog!!!

Below you will find information on each new skill that we are working on. It will be updated each week to include: what we are working on, steps to find the information, and some way to practice the skill. Your child also has a study guide he or she can use to help him or her practice these skills.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Equivalent Fractions

This week we are working on equivalent fractions. I will include a web address that you can go to for extra information on how to find equivalent fractions.

Go to the following web address for more information: http://www.coolmath4kids.com/fractions/fractions-04-equivalent-01.html

You can go to the following websites to practice equivalent fractions:


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day!

I hope all of you are enjoying your Veteran's Day break. I just wanted to remind all of you about your practice sheet on decimal division. Don't forget to show your work. Also, we will have an assessment over using decimals and fractions interchangeably on Tuesday, November 16. If you would like extra practice, then copy and paste the following links into a new address bar:

Have a great holiday!

Mrs. Hallum

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Decimal Division

Use the below link to help with decimal division:
